
Painters Medicine Hat 

For Home Refinishing and Painting, CALL US!

One of the simplest, fastest and least costly ways to make a beautiful, major effect on a home is to consider painting when it comes to improving one's home. We suppose nothing revives tired walls, weatherworn siding, or adds a touch of elegance and some kind of uniqueness better than a fresh coat of paint. It can be like an instant renovation!


Painting is actually cheap compared to other improvement tasks. But sometimes, painting requires a significant commitment of time, money and effort. You want to get it right, in the beginning because in a couple of years you won't be back on ladders, right?

Choosing the Right Paint 

As you might know, selecting the correct paint is one of the most critical decisions you can face when preparing for a home improvement. It is important to do it right because your paint job will last years to come. The paints today have gone through such dramatic changes in the past few years that it is now becoming hard for us to know what to purchase. But, don’t despair. We're here to guide you!


The following information provides you a closer look at how to pick the right paint to make simple, educated decisions. Just read on.

The Paint Basics 

Essentially, paint is a mixture of pigment, resin and a carrier. The main, white pigment is said to be the titanium dioxide, and relatively small amounts of other pigments are added by the paint dealer to tint the color. Resin, on the other hand, is what makes paint adhere to a surface.  And, the carrier is the evaporative liquid that is usually added to thin the mixture so you can brush or roll it on water for latex paints or a solvent for oil or alkyd paints.


Paint also contains clay or other inert ingredients which are added to adjust the paint’s sheen. It may also contain small amounts of secondary solvents that help giving it glossy and drying characteristics.


Further worth noting is the fact that the amount of quality of every ingredient is what determines the performance and price of paint.  Paint with plenty of titanium dioxide, for example, has strong hiding characteristics, and since this pigment is the most expensive ingredient, the paint costs more. On the other hand, those oil or alkyd paints that use odorless mineral spirits as a carrier are pricier than those with regular solvents. Given this fact, it can be concluded that price is a good indicator of quality.

So, for selecting the correct paint, you have learned a lot about the types of paint, the consistency, and some factors to consider. Now, let us find out how much paint you'll need for your project of home improvement.

The first thing to do to identify the needed quantity of paint is to know the square footage of the area to be painted, as well as the spread rate of the paint. Note that the spread rate is typically about 400 square feet to the gallon. But, still check the can to be sure. Now, how to determine the square footage? Here are steps that you should follow:

- Start by measuring the width of each wall.

- When you are done, add the figures together and multiply the sum by the surface height. Estimate how much of it will not be painted in this area.

- Take into consideration the fireplaces, wallpapers, curtains, and certain areas that you can paint separately, such as the trim, to do this.

Types of Paints: Alkyd-Modified, Vinyl-Acrylic, or Acrylic?

So it is given that the most favored type of paint these days is the latex.  Now, latex paints are not all the same. Note that while the first known latex paints were named for their "latex" synthetic rubber foundation, synthetic rubber is no longer used.  So, now when you say “latex”, it refers to all water-borne paint.  However, within that category, you have three choices:  alkyd-modified latex, vinyl-acrylic and 100% acrylic.


So, what is best option?


In the first place, the vinyl-acrylic latex is by far the least costly latex paint.  But, this is considered appropriate for most interior walls as well as for shorter-durability exterior walls.


On the other side, the well-known high performance interior paints are 100% acrylic. Many have claimed that this kind of latex paint has better color retention, better adhesion, and in better gloss than vinyl-acrylic in the case of the enamels.


Lastly, majority of the high-quality outdoor paints are either alkyd-modified latex or 100% acrylic. Both kinds are excellent. If the siding was previously painted with an alkyd or chalking, however, it is a good step to consider alkyd-modified latex. Alkyd-modified latex has been said to do an outstanding job of penetrating and anchoring the coating on a chalky surface. But, these days, many companies consider 100% acrylic to be their finest products.

Painting sounds easier than done. Leave it to the professionals who are experts in this field. Call Us Today for an instant Quote.

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